Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Assignment #4 (due 12.19)

Please answer the following question. Your response should be in complete sentences and approximately 2 paragraphs in length (neatly written or typed).

Consider the movie Journey to the Center of the Earth (click for the link to the trailer). Based on the information provided in the trailer, do you think the movie accurately represents Earth's interior (layers/core)? Be sure to include evidence from the trailer in your argument. 

NOTE: We have not discussed Earth's interior composition in great detail yet--do your best!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Assignment #3 ( due 12.18)

Please complete the Geologic History Timeline assignment for Wednesday, 12.18.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

No homework tonight...

...get some rest!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

No homework tonight...

...go outside and play.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

No homework tonight...

...great job with our Clarkia fossil lab today!!! Enjoy an evening off--see you tomorrow!!

Thursday, December 05, 2019

Assignment #2 (due 12.6)

Please complete Prompt 1 (Brainstorm) of the Earth in the Beginning assignment. You can either highlight the necessary detail in the article OR make a bulleted list in the space provided on Page 3. This part of the assignment is due tomorrow (12.6).

NOTE: Your diagram for Prompt 2 (Design) is due next Tuesday, 12.10.

Also, click here for the link from the Earth's History on a Football Field video from today's class. SO COOL!!

Monday, December 02, 2019

Assignment #1 (due 12.4)

Please complete the Qualitative vs. Quantitative? handout from today for 12.4. Also, be sure to bring your copy of What's the Deal on Data? to class for continued work on 12.4 (NOTE: This one is NOT homework!).

Also...happy 2nd Trimester!!!